The Dylan Kohlstadt Show
Welcome to The Dylan Kohlstadt Show, where we chat with inspiring people, learning how to #begreat, from marketing, social media and especially entrepreneurship, let's learn and grow together.
Don't be good, be GREAT!
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Check out my businesses! Shift ONE will do the work for you. Digital Marketing Academy will teach and train you to do it yourself. Dylan Kohlstadt (that's me) can coach and mentor you and help you develop your strategy.
Dylan Kohlstadt has over 20 years of marketing and digital management experience in the gaming, insurance, financial and property industries and can be considered a subject matter expert on all things digital. She has extensive local and international experience (South Africa, UK, and Australia), and has managed global and national brands in multiple languages and countries. Dylan has an IMM in Marketing as well as an MBA. She’s married and a mother of two young girls, and is the CEO and Founder of Shift ONE Digital, the Digital Marketing Academy and DylanKohlstadt.com
The Dylan Kohlstadt Show
The Dylan Kohlstädt Show: Season 5 E10 | Brand Building | Norbert Elnar
"People follow people who are real, rather than people who are right."
This is just one of many insights quoted by Norbert Elnar, the latest guest on my podcast show and a seasoned brand builder. Norbert, born in the Philippines and now living in Germany, is the founder and CEO of Masterpiece Kingdom Brands, where he specialises in helping purpose-driven organisations craft their professional brands.
Tune in to hear more about:
- The journey of Masterpiece Kingdom Brands and Norbert’s role as a Chief Creative Officer.
- How to build brands for purpose-driven organisations.
- The importance of aligning brand values with organisational leadership.
- Norbert’s unique framework for brand building.
- How personal experience across different cultures has influenced Norbert’s branding approach.
- Tips for future-proofing your brand and ensuring it stays relevant and impactful.
If you're serious about brand building, watch this video. You'll learn how to build a brand with purpose and impact.
P.S. Here's a handy guide on how you, as a CEO, can use video to inspire your staff: https://www.shiftone.co.za/ceos-how-using-video-can-help-you-motivate-and-inspire-your-staff/
Also, remember to follow Norbert on his social platforms:
Website: https://masterpiecebrands.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masterpiece.mvmnt/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/norbert-elnar-b647217/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/masterpiecefaithmovement/?_rdc=2&_rdr
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC07Iny3TgpzEAPKzJQ3iIvA
Get your free brand assessment here: https://masterpiecebrands.com/futureproofyourbrand
Buy Nortbert's book here: https://masterpiecebooks.com/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dylankohlstadt/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dylankohlstadt/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dylankohlstadt/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dylankohlstadt
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DylanKohlstadt/